
NACE (Nicaragua Advances in Christian Education) was formed in 2013 with the specific mission of supporting the work in Nicaragua and helping the missionaries that work there. Its primary function was the establishment and running of a Christian school in Nueva Guinea (about 5 hours southeast of Managua, the capital).

“Colegio Cristiano Manto de Gracia” started its first full school year in February of 2011 with preschool, first, and second grades. Each year, a grade has been or will  be added, through high school. In December, 2015, we graduated our first ever sixth grade class. We have since added seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh (last year of high school in Nicaragua. In 2022 we graduated our 3rd high school class.


Our vision is to provide a quality, Bible based education that emphasizes:

  1. Reading Nicaraguans typically do not read beyond what is necessary, including teachers. We want to develop a passion for reading in our students and, for that reason, have established a lending library.
  2. Music We hope to develop a music program, including a band, but as of yet, have not been able to start.
  3. Sports While sports, in themselves, do not take the place of classes, they do provide the opportunity to teach solid Biblical values and discipline.

We have also integrated the following into the school programs:

  1. Chess – we compete nationally in chess
  2. Computer classes
  3. English classes in all grades

We also have a  “mobile library” outreach to 7 different schools in small communities – San Juan, La Esperancita, Los Ángeles, Guinea Vieja, San Roque, 5 de Marzo, and a small school close to us. In these same schools we also do Bible programs.

The latest newsletters are available at the links below:
April 2024
December 2023
July 2023
December 2022
September 2021
April 2022
December 2021
July 2021
April 2021
December 2020
August 2020
May 2020
March 2020
December 2019
For more information, please contact us at nacenicaragua@gmail.com.